Sunday 3 January 2010

The Same Jeans

Here's a good and funny memory to kick off then....

In about 1983, Kid 80s as we shall call him, was happily living in London with his Mum, going to school (occasionally) and the grand old age of 14.

Now, there was a certain shop on Walworth Road that was a favorite of Kid 80s and his friends, for some of their own brand of discounts.

Being fans of cakes, the shop was often the target of their pilfering ways.

On one such occasion, they were on their way to select some free cakes when they happened upon another shops delivery van.

And what did Kid 80s spy in the unattended van?

Loads of Levi jeans and checked shirts (well, it was the 80s, checked shirts were all the rage back then. Or so I'm told!).

And what did Kid 80s do? Did he casually stroll past and go about his (cake pilfering) business.

Nope. Him and his equally light fingered friend forgot the cakes and helped themselves.

They made quite a tidy packet out of these out the back of a lorry specials, selling for the grand sum of a tenner each.

So  much so that more often than not, lots of people on the estate walked around in exactly the same outfit!

And who says Del Boy wasn't based on real life?

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